Dog word art prints – personalized for the dog lover
I have a confession to make. I spend more cash on my dog than I do on my girlfriend. Even before I started this website I had purchased a number of dog word art prints. I think I have a half a dozen in total of my two dogs. I purchase a number of great designs off Etsy website.
So once I started this website it was great fun finding different outlines to create dog word art prints and I have spent a huge amount of time doing this.
People LOVER their pets and love spending money on their own pet or as a gift for someone that is a dog lover.
Eventually, it is my aim to have a dog word art print for every single breed of dog. Not sure how many that is but would imagine would be several hundred. At the moment I have only added a few but watch this space for more designs.
If you know someone that is a dog lover they really do make the perfect present. Below are some of the latest examples of dog art that has been added to this website.